Women's Ministry


Sunday - 11:00Am English Service. 2:30PM Spanish Service / Saturday - 6:30PM English Service (w/ Filipino P&W) / Wednesday - 7PM Prayer Time

The Women's Ministry of LCC Orlando

Our mission is to connect women together through prayerfully planned activities and events which would promote a deeper relationship with God and each other.


    1.    We want to create an atmosphere that fosters fellowship, support, encouragement and unity among women. 

    2.    We want to work with the other ministries of our church to encourage all women to fulfill their call to a God-given ministry whether it is servant leadership, discipleship, stewardship or service. 

    3.    We want to expand our outreach and create opportunities where we can reach other women outside the walls of our church and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. 

Our Women’s Ministry is focused on helping you learn to love the Lord your God. We listen to God through prayer and bible study. We rejoice that no matter what you are going through, we can hold fast to Him.

Join the women of Life Connection Church as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events for the women of Life Connection Church.

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